your gifts are unique and sacred. do you find it challenging to articulate what you do?

In the realm of creativity and expression, there exists a unique frequency associated with language.

you're leaving valuable words and messages unwritten if you're not accessing the potent energy in the language portal.

Unlock your writing potential with ease, grace, and clarity during Sacred Writing Sessions.
As a facilitator of the creative process, I access and enhance the frequency of language—each aspect of language carries a unique energy through what I call a 'portal.' This portal amplifies the creative and expressive potential in writing, making it accessible to anyone who engages with language, particularly writers and authors. 

When you write, you tap into this frequency in your own way and my gift is to create a dedicated space where this frequency is more palpable and easily accessed.

You'll be astonished by how much you write
in a one-hour session. 

Write your awesome label here.


"Sacred Writing Sessions with Pamela are a whole life experience. My writing is fluid, and I create content that is channeled and clear in a really short period of time in her writing sessions. And, I use it in homeschooling my kids to help my kids create writing." ~ Kyla Clapper, a Business Strategist, Coffee Roaster and busy mama of five.

Don't get stuck (aka blocked), slowed down or overwhelmed while you're writing.

Write your awesome label here.

crazy value at $6 a Session for accountability

This is a safe place to be held accountable for your writing practice. It's proven that accountability improves your performance by 90%. You'll receive immense value whether you attend once a month or 16 times.  That's $6 a session. 
Write your awesome label here.

bend time in the quantum field

It feels magical when you realize HOW MUCH YOU ACCOMPLISH during each session. You'll find this energetic, potent container gives you a focused time to write. The hour flies by. It truly does feel like you are bending time.

weekly schedule

4:00 PM PST | 6:00 PM CST | 7:00 PM EST
9:00 AM PST | 11:00 AM CST | 12:00 PM EST
11:00 AM PST | 1:00 PM CST | 2:00 PM EST
9:00 AM PST | 11:00 AM CST | 12:00 PM EST

Receive channeled messages and intuitive insights.


As a spiritual entrepreneur creator, channeler, coach, healer, teacher, or writer, a highly desirable practice is for your messages to flow quickly and easily. You will be amazed at how much you open up to channeling and what is expressed through you.

Here are some of the ways you can use these writing sessions: 
  • Write outlines and content for books, blogs, videos. 
  • Efficiency with getting tasks completed.
  • Marketing plans, social media content, email sequences.
  • Ideal for students to focus during studies.
  • Storyboards for plays and songs.
  • Heal your story through writing.
  • Business plans and strategy outlines for marketing and product launches.
  • Help your clients heal their story through your content, courses, and programs..
  • Homeschooling: children may start writing spontaneously.

Frequently asked questions

It activates a natural state of expression in the field of infinite possibilities.
Fear and doubt don't live here.

     love notes from sacred writing members

The Intuitive Creatrix

I've always known I wanted to write books. People have told me for decades, "That's going to be an amazing book." or "Please write a book about this." I've had so much resistance because I didn't feel like I knew "HOW" to write. Then I met Pamela online and knew I wanted to sign up for Sacred Writing Sessions. The magick (the only appropriate word I have) that Pamela offers during these writing sessions is like absolutely nothing I've ever experienced before. In my first session, I wrote ten pages easily with no resistance. It's only grown from there. As a busy entrepreneur, I prioritize these sessions every week! It's essential to write my content and get my thoughts out to put into a book. I recommend spiritual and creative people give these sessions a try!

     love notes from our authors

SourceCode Author
Activate the Multidimensional Experience of You and Your Manifestations!


Certified ThetaHealing™ Instructor

Skylie Cash
Timelines of My Future

The hardest part about writing my book, Timelines of My Future, was to convert the channelled information and my intuition, energy and excitement into the English language. I wish someone could touch my head and see what I have seen and how I understand it because it was challenging to find the language to explain it. 

Pamela Lynch, my coach, editor and publisher, opened this up for me and gave me access to the portal of language. When we met, I didn't know this at the time. Now I understand that she held space for me by showing me the frequency of what my higher consciousness and perspective translate to with the use of words and language. 

The connection through the language portal then aligned me with a timeline where I could share my experiences and theories using words and language. Without this, I could never have grounded and embodied this story. I am so grateful that we found each other. 


Wow! My last two Sacred Writing Sessions have been so powerful. Thank you!!! The early chapters of my book are HARD to write. This is the perfect space and container to create such a heart-led project from.

I feel so held, and instead of forcing myself to just devote my time and thought to my book, this process is going to be healing, too. I can feel it. I appreciate you! ~ Tara Wild
SourceCode Author
How We Find Connection When We Choose To View Loss Through the Lens of Love

tara wild

Solo Mom, Writer, EFT Tapping Practitioner, Manifestation Guide and Lover of Life
SourceCode Author
Demystifying Belief Systems

Marie Martin, B.Msc. RPC-C

Registered Professional Counsellor

love note from marie martin

Pamela Lynch will assist you in this journey and hold space to just be together writing in silence but the volume in those moments can totally be felt in the expansion! Well done Pamela, you have created a beautiful space for massive creativity! ~ Marie Martin

More Remarkable Client Experiences

Edyta Cote

Reiki Master
Thank you, Pamela Lynch, for holding this incredible space and opening this portal of consciousness of language. I connected with my Father for the first time in such a profound and loving way. Your Sacred Writing Sessions are being weaved in my heart, and I can't wait to see what other heart chronicles can unfold.

Melissa Dawn

Certified Universal Laws Coach
I don't have a lot of words to describe these writing sessions, but just come and experience it for yourself. If you are called or feel pulled to do some writing, Pamela holds the most beautiful space for the writer that lives in all of us. My intention was to create content for my business, and WOW...I got almost an entire business plan created.
I recently participated in Pamela’s Sacred Writing Session, which allowed me to get through my note-writing in half the time it normally takes me! I felt inspired and full of energy to write in the best way possible for me in my studies and career.
 ~ Victoria (Tori Trev)

Tara Leduc 

I just finished my first Sacred Writing Session with Pamela Lynch. I had imagined I could take advantage of these sessions to write a book, blogs, emails for my list, and event planning. But here is what I actually needed to do: write a contract. It's one of those tasks I avoid. It is stressful, nit-picky, and unpleasant. And yet, I just wrote and sent a contract to a new client. AND it has already been signed and returned. Honestly, this task usually brings up so much internal drama and resistance. I cannot believe that I just sat and did it without any fretting, worry, procrastinating, or even wine (lol!). I am so grateful to Pamela's ability to hold space, as I cannot believe this was easy and painless.

Pamela lynch

After a 31 year career in book publishing, I spent a decade immersed in intuitive coaching, the healing arts and ancient wisdom. I launched my own publishing company in 2018 and published four transformational books in my first year. Sacred Writing Sessions were cultivated during a writing program where I included co-writing sessions. Instead of writing, I dropped into meditation. The results were so profound they've become a powerful force during our sessions. 

My deepest passion lies in amplifying people’s words. I am committed to helping writers not only capture their thoughts but also bring them into people’s hands where they can truly make a difference. The environment I create is one of focused energy, where the barriers to profound, authentic expression are minimized, making each writing session a transformative experience.
Write your awesome label here.

I invite you to join me in this space, to experience firsthand how this dedicated and amplified access to the frequency of creation can enrich your writing. Together, we can unlock the full potential of your storytelling abilities, bringing your words into physicality and making your creative journey deeply fulfilling.
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