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I am here to leap with you. let's spend the day together.

sourcecode vip day

Spend a full day strategizing with your creative content or book creation. Take the leap through fear for the love of sharing your message.

What's included in your vip day?

  • SourceCode Sacred Scheduler to understand your aligned creative cycle. This sacred schedule informs you of the ideal focus to optimize your time.
  • Receive intuitive guidance to clarity whatever obstacle is ready to be reframed for you to co-create and illuminate your desires whether for a book, creative content or life.
  • Plan your next inspired action steps.
  • Alternatively, you may choose to create an outline for your content strategy, or create specific deliverables for your book. (That may include title, preface, overview, and/or chapter outline.)
  • Whichever you choose, you will receive a private activation and Sacred Writing Session during the day to create and play in the Portal of Language.

There's no Greater time than today to open the door to your sacred wisdom!

We have entered into a sacred time in history where we get to shift the collective consciousness to the frequency of love and abundance. We've been waiting patiently for this door to open. It is an ideal time for you to choose to walk through it and leave the fear, anxiety, overwhelm and uncertainty behind. All the goodness that life has to offer you awaits on the other side. It takes a leap of faith and the beginning of belief in yourself.

I am here to take the leap with you. I'm the Founder of SourceCode Publishing and Sacred Writing Sessions. My gift is to hold open the doorway to the Portal of Language, where messages are amplified through each individual's stream of consciousness. I also guide people to the whispers of their Soul.
After a 31 year career in book publishing, I spent a decade immersed in intuitive coaching, the healing arts and ancient wisdom. As a Self-Mastery Coach for Creatives and Certified Universal Laws Coach, I help people create their extraordinary story called life, and earn more money doing what they love through their creativity.
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