FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENew Publication: Timelines of My Future by Skylie Cash
June 15, 2023 (Kelowna) — SourceCode Publishing is proud to announce the publication of Skylie Cash’s new book, Timelines of My Future, Activate the Multidimensional Experience of You and Your Manifestations!
Skylie Cash’s book, Timelines of My Future, delves into a fascinating collection of real-life stories. The author’s intention is to open readers up to the wonder of imagination, possibility, and the potential of the true soul’s expression and frequency.
“We learn through people like Skylie. She is ahead of her time and able to assimilate all the codes, patterns, and frequencies of this human experience. She decodes. We are blessed to have Skylie as one of our spiritual teachers.” — Philippa Joy Hense
This book encourages readers to trust, surrender and detach from fears and emotions holding them to their current timelines. She asks powerful questions that invite people to understand that what they are feeling, thinking and radiating attracts their current reality to them.
Skylie Cash is a ThetaHealing Instructor and spent twenty-two years learning to master timeline shifting, instant manifestations, miracles and magic. She has spent a decade supporting client’s transformations and guiding them to release old frequencies that create pain and suffering. They experience true flow and alignment while living their best life as their authentic self. People may reach Skylie through her website:
Listen to Skylie Cash on the Beyond Wellness Podcast with Rose Blaich.
For more information contact:
Pamela Lynch, Publisher, SourceCode Publishing