Do you feel overwhelmed and stymied when you sit down to write?

imagine easily and effortlessly accessing your direct link to
ideas from your higher self!

Write your awesome label here.

gain confidence | write faster and easier in the Portal of Language | accountability propels your writing  power

Upcoming events

What's included?

Two Breakthrough Coaching Sessions for Writers with journaling in the Portal of Language. 
  • On Mar 10 at 4:00 PM PST live on Zoom.
  • Live TikTok session on March 10 at 4:45 PM PST.
Now available: Three 10-minute sessions with replays available in this course portal.

accountability is your secret writing weapon

  • Discover the things that get in your way as a writer.
  • Understand why accountability matters and make it a power process for you to express yourself.
  • Learn what it means to take radical responsibility and commit to writing.

Write in the portal of language

Meet me on March 10th on Zoom and TikTok for you: 
  • to experience writing in the Portal of Language.
  • See the potential for you to write with ease and confidence.

Listen to the replays: why accountability and writing matter

Meet your breakthrough writing expert

Pamela Lynch

After a 31 year career in book publishing, I spent a decade immersed in intuitive coaching, the healing arts and ancient wisdom. SourceCode Publishing was launched in 2018 and with four transformational books published in my first year.  

Sacred Writing Sessions were cultivated during a writing program where I included co-writing sessions. Instead of writing, I dropped into meditation. The results were so profound, they've become a powerful force of creative energy through the Portal of Language. This has become an acknowledgment of my gift to help others unlock access to their stream of consciousness.  Profound information is downloaded with fluidity and ease.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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